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This wireless facilities standards (WF) section applies to the following zoning districts:

The following standards shall apply:

A. Permits Required. Wireless facilities shall not be constructed, erected, placed, modified or altered until an improvement location permit has been obtained.

B. Location. Wireless facilities shall not be located within the boundaries of any recorded residential subdivision.

C. Design Requirements. Proposed or modified wireless support structures and antennas shall meet the following design requirements:

1. Height.

a. Towers. Wireless support structures shall not exceed 199 feet in height.

b. Other Structures. All other utility structures and antennas shall meet the height standards in appropriate sections in Chapter 20.20 JCC, Zoning Districts, and in JCC 20.50.350, HT-01 – Height standards.

2. Appearance. Towers and antennas shall be designed to blend into the natural surrounding environment through the use of color and camouflaging architectural treatment, except in an instance where the color is dictated by State or Federal authorities such as the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA).

3. Monopole Design. Towers shall be of a monopole design.

4. Setbacks. Wireless facilities shall meet the following setback requirements:

a. All wireless facilities shall meet the setback requirements of the underlying zoning district; however, a wireless facility that is located in an industrial zoning district may encroach up to ten (10) feet into the required rear yard if the adjoining lot is also in an industrial zoning district.

b. Front Setback. Wireless support structures shall be set back from any right-of-way a minimum distance equal to fifty percent (50%) of the tower height, including all antennas and attachments.

c. Side and Rear Setback. Wireless support structures shall be set back from the side and rear property lines a minimum distance equal to sixty percent (60%) of the tower height, including all antennas and attachments.

d. Wireless support structures shall not be located between the principal structure and a public street.

e. Wireless support structures shall be set back from the boundaries of any recorded residential subdivision a minimum distance equal to one hundred percent (100%) of the tower height.

f. A wireless support structure’s setback may be reduced or its location varied at the sole discretion of the Board of Zoning Appeals to allow for the integration of the wireless facility into an existing or proposed structure, such as a church steeple, light standard, power line support device or similar structure.

5. Co-location. Any proposed wireless support structure shall be designed structurally, electrically, and in all respects to accommodate both the applicant’s antennas and comparable antennas for the following:

a. A minimum of one (1) additional user if the wireless support structure is between sixty (60) and 100 feet in height.

b. A minimum of two (2) additional users if the wireless support structure is 100 feet or more.

6. Accessory Utility Structures. All utility structures needed to support a wireless support structure shall be architecturally designed to blend in with the surrounding environment and shall meet the minimum setback requirements of the underlying zoning district.

7. Security Fence. Wireless facilities and all accessory utility structures shall be protected by a security fence at least six (6) feet tall.

8. Screening. A live evergreen screen consisting of a hedge, planted three (3) feet on-center maximum, or a row of evergreen trees planted a maximum of ten (10) feet on-center shall be planted around the entire wireless facility and each of the guy wires and anchors, if used. The height of all plants at the time of planting may be no less than five (5) feet.

9. Lighting. Wireless facilities shall not be illuminated by artificial means and shall not display strobe lights, except when it is dictated by State or Federal authorities such as the FAA.

10. Signs. The use of any portion of a wireless facility for the posting of any signs or advertisements of any kind, other than warning or equipment information signs, shall be prohibited.

11. Construction Standards. All wireless facilities are subject to inspection by the Building Inspector during the construction process.

12. Easements. If an easement is required for location of a wireless facility on the property, the easement shall be defined by a legal description prepared for recording and staked by a licensed and registered land surveyor so as to provide proof the facility has been constructed within the easement. The legal description shall be recorded prior to issuance of an improvement location permit.

13. Footers. Footing inspections may be required by the Building Inspector for all wireless facilities having footings.

14. Electrical Standards. All wireless facilities containing electrical wiring shall be subject to the provisions of the National Electric Code, as amended.

D. Inspection of Towers. The following shall apply to the inspection of wireless facilities:

1. Frequency. All towers may be inspected at least once every five (5) years, or more often as needed to respond to complaints received, by the Zoning Administrator and/or a registered, professional engineer to determine compliance with the original construction standards.

2. Investigation. The Zoning Administrator and the Building Inspector may enter onto the property to investigate the matter and may order the appropriate action be taken to bring the facility into compliance.

3. Violations. Notices of violation will be sent for any known violation on the wireless facility.

E. Abandoned Towers. Any tower unused or left abandoned for six (6) months shall be removed by the property owner at its expense. Should the property owner fail to remove the tower after thirty (30) days from the date a notice of violation is issued, Jasper County may obtain an injunction to remove the tower and bill the property owner for the costs of removal and cleanup of the site.

F. Process. The process for application and approval of a wireless facility is described in JCC 20.90.210, Process for wireless facilities. [Ord. 3-7-16A § 1; Ord. 12-27-11 § 5.94.]