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Number Description Action Date Disposition
Ord. 06-03-24 Amends §§ 10.10.050(B) and 10.10.070, speed limits 6/3/2024 Codified
Ord. 12-04-23B Amends § 15.15.070, delivery fees 12/4/2023 Codified
Ord. 12-04-23A Amends § 10.10.070, speed limits 12/4/2023 Codified
Ord. 10-02-23E Repeals and replaces Title 17, flood hazard areas 10/2/2023 Codified
Ord. 10-02-23A Amends § 3.55.030(A), charge for returned checks 10/2/2023 Codified
Ord. 08-14-23 Amends § 3.45.050 and Chs. 13.05 and 13.15, sewer and water regulations 8/14/2023 Codified
Ord. 08-07-23C Amends §§ 20.20.290(B) and 20.20.310(B), residential permitted uses 8/7/2023 Codified
Ord. 03-06-23A Amends § 20.30.170(I)(2)(e), WFO district development standards 3/6/2023 Codified
Ord. 01-03-23 Amends § 6.05.010, animal control 1/3/2023 Codified
Ord. 11-07-22 Amends Ch. 11.35, golf carts and off-road vehicles 11/7/2022 Codified
Ord. 09-06-22 Adds Ch. 8.20, body modification 9/6/2022 Codified
Ord. 08-01-22A Amends § 3.45.050, board of health fees 8/1/2022 Codified
Ord. 07-01-22B Amends § 3.55.060(A), administrative fees 7/5/2022 Codified
Ord. 03-07-22B Amends § 10.10.070, vehicles and traffic 3/7/2022 Codified
Ord. 10-4-21C Corrects the codification of Ord. 5-6-19B from § 20.30.140(E) to § 20.30.170(I), WFO prerequisites 10/4/2021 Codified
Ord. 7-6-21G Amends § 15.15.070, right-of-way permit fees 7/6/2021 Codified
Ord. 12-7-20C Adds § 13.05.050; amends §§ 13.05.010 and 13.05.040, sewer regulations 12/7/2020 Codified
Ord. 11-02-20A Amends § 10.10.050(B)(12), thirty-five miles per hour districts 11/2/2020 Codified
Ord. 10-05-20A Adds §, thirty-five miles per hour districts 10/5/2020 Codified
Ord. 8-3-20A Amends §§ 20.90.090(D)(3)(b), 20.90.110(E)(3)(b), 20.90.120(E)(3)(b), 20.90.140(E)(3)(b), 20.90.150(F)(3)(b), 20.90.180(E)(3)(b), 20.90.190(E)(3)(b) and 20.90.200(E)(3)(b), publication of notices before meetings or hearings of the Jasper plan commission 8/3/2020 Codified
Ord. 4-6-20C Amends § 20.120.010(D), plan commission fee schedule 4/6/2020 Codified
Ord. 4-6-20A Adds Ch. 11.35, golf carts 4/6/2020 Codified
Ord. 2-10-20A Adds Ch. 3.65, procedures for tax abatement assessments 2/10/2020 Codified
Ord. 12-2-19A Adds § 3.10.050, credit card purchases 12/2/2019 Codified
Ord. 9-3-19C Amends § 6.05.070(C), redemption fee for the adoption of unlicensed dogs and cats 9/3/2019 Codified