8.05.050 Definitions.
“Applicant” means a person who has notified the regulatory authority of intent to operate a retail food establishment, temporary food establishment, or bed and breakfast establishment and who has made application for a retail food establishment or bed and breakfast establishment permit.
“Catering” means the preparation of food at the site listed on the permit and transportation of that food to another location for service by the retail food establishment employees. (410 IAC 7-24-10.)
“Mobile retail food establishment” means a retail food establishment that is not on a permanent foundation and is readily movable.
“Operator” means the person or corporation that owns the business.
“Permittee” means the person, association, corporation, individual, partnership, or other legal entity that owns the business and whose name appears on the permit.
“Regulatory authority” means the local, State, or Federal enforcement body or authorized representative having jurisdiction over a retail food establishment. (410 IAC 7-24-75.)
“Temporary food establishment” means a retail food establishment that operates for a period of not more than 14 consecutive days in conjunction with a single event or celebration. (410 IAC 7-24-98.)
“Vending machine operation” means the placement, service and maintenance of one or more vending machines to make potentially hazardous food available to the public via a vending machine. [Ord. 12-27-17B § 5; Ord. 9-6-00D § 5.]