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Article I. Airport Compatibility Overlay (ACO) District
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A. District Intent. The airport compatibility overlay (ACO) district is intended to:

(1) Minimize land uses located in close proximity to an airport that may adversely impact the airport’s operations; (2) discourage land uses located in close proximity to an airport that may be adversely impacted by the airport’s operations; (3) minimize wildlife incursions on airport property or airspace; (4) disallow tall structures that impede aircraft operations; (5) disallow lighting and other development features that could interfere with aircraft operations; (6) encourage land uses that add value to and complement the airport; and (7) reduce risk to life and property from aircraft crashes.

By assuring all development at the airport and development around the airport are compatible, three benefits are gained. They are (1) maximize the opportunity for Federal and State funding (typically 80% and 10% of all costs, respectively) for airport expansions, acquisitions, and improvements; (2) maximize the FAA’s support for airport expansion and increases in operations; and (3) minimize complaints and remonstration against airport expansion and increases in operations. See the next paragraph for further clarification on the importance of this overlay district.

All airports that receive Federal grants are obligated by contract to follow FAA advisory circulars; essentially they become “mandatory circulars.” Failure to follow the advisory circulars may result in forfeiture of current funding and/or loss of standing to apply for future funding.

The regulations and restrictions for the ACO district are based on FAA advisory circulars, NTSB crash statistics, FAA Land Use Planning Guides, State of Indiana Tall Structures Act, the 2004 Land Use Report from the National Association of State Aviation Officials, University of Berkeley Transportation Institute’s study on the location of general aviation aircraft accidents in relationship to runways, and the Aircraft Owner’s and Pilot’s Association’s Guide to Airport Noise and Compatibility of Land Use.

B. Effect on Uses. All permitted uses in the base zoning district are permitted in the ACO district except as restricted in JCC 20.30.040, ACO district restriction of permitted and special exception land uses. All special exception uses permitted in the base zoning district are allowed as such in the ACO district except as restricted in JCC 20.30.040, ACO district restriction of permitted and special exception land uses.

C. Effect on Standards. The development standards from the base zoning district shall apply to the ACO district in addition to the development standards described in JCC 20.30.050, ACO district development standards. [Ord. 12-27-11 § 3.01.]