20.10.230 County Commissioners summary of powers and duties.
The powers and duties of the County Commissioners are described as follows. Duties should be interpreted as activities that are obligations. Powers should be interpreted as activities that are optional and may be initiated.
A. County Commissioners’ Duties.
1. Documents. Adopt, reject, or amend the Jasper County Comprehensive Plan or Unified Development Code that have been certified and submitted by the Plan Commission.
2. Amendments. Adopt, reject or amend proposals to amend or partially repeal the text of the Jasper County Comprehensive Plan or Unified Development Code that has been certified and submitted by the Plan Commission.
3. Zoning Map. Adopt, reject or amend proposals to amend the official zoning map certified and submitted by the Plan Commission.
4. Fee Schedule. Adopt, reject or amend a fee schedule.
5. Enforcement. Enforce regulations and procedures of the Jasper County Comprehensive Plan and Unified Development Code to the extent of the local resolutions, ordinances and State of Indiana law.
6. Other. Other duties as permitted by Indiana Code.
B. County Commissioners’ Powers.
1. Document Amendment Initiation. Initiate amendments to the Jasper County Comprehensive Plan or Unified Development Code by making the proposal to the Plan Commission.
2. Zoning Map Amendment Initiation. Initiate amendments to the official zoning map by making the proposal to the Plan Commission.
3. Other. Other powers as permitted by Indiana Code. [Ord. 12-27-11 § 1.24.]