11.20.020 Compliance with directives.
Whenever there is declared a snow emergency in Jasper County, the following directives shall be complied with:
A. The public officers and employees of Jasper County shall exercise the utmost diligence in the discharge of duties required of them for the duration of the snow emergency and the execution of emergency laws, regulations, and directives, State and local.
B. All citizens are called upon to comply with necessary emergency measures, to cooperate with public officials and disaster services forces in executing snow emergency operations plans, and to obey and comply with the lawful directions of properly identified officers.
C. The Jasper County Courthouse, Courthouse Annex, and other County buildings shall be closed, the activities of which are not involved with the snow emergency.
D. All Jasper County roadways are closed to nonemergency personnel. No one should be outside during these conditions. No nonemergency vehicles shall be on the County roads. [Ord. 12-1-97B § 2.]