20.70.240 SS-01 – Street sign standards.
This street sign standards (SS) section applies to the following types of development:
A. General. Each street within a residential, commercial, or industrial development shall have signs necessary to:
1. Safety. Provide a safe environment for drivers and pedestrians.
2. Information. Provide information so that a visitor can efficiently find a certain street, address, or development amenity.
B. County’s Responsibilities. The County’s policies and the Indiana Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices for Streets and Highways (current version adopted by the Indiana Department of Transportation) shall be used to determine the type, size, height, and location of each of these signs. Each sign’s location and height shall be communicated to the petitioner at the time they are received by the petitioner.
C. Special Sign Design. Decorative or otherwise unique street signs may be proposed by the applicant. The Zoning Administrator and County Highway Department shall meet jointly to approve or deny the proposal.
D. Petitioner’s Responsibilities.
1. Public Safety Related Street Signs. Public safety related street signs shall be installed prior to any street being opened to the public. These signs shall be installed in the location and to the height determined by the County Highway Department and INDOT.
2. Street Name Signs. A minimum of one (1) street name sign shall be installed at each street intersection within the subdivision, as they are constructed and opened, and on all perimeter intersections.
3. Cost. The petitioner is responsible for purchasing all street signs in consultation with the County Highway Department.
4. Installation. The County Highway Department is responsible for installing all street signs.
5. Temporary Signs During Construction. Temporary signs for street names and addresses shall be required for public safety reasons prior to issuance of building permits within the subdivision.
E. Internal Way-Finding/Directional Signs.
1. Prerequisites. The development shall have an amenity that necessitates a way-finding or directional sign.
2. Maximum Number of Signs. The minimum number of signs necessary to locate the amenity shall be allowed to provide directional assistance for drivers to find any single development amenity. If deemed unnecessary by the Plan Commission due to the conspicuousness of the development amenity, no way-finding or directional sign shall be permitted.
3. Maximum Sign Area. Three (3) square feet.
4. Location.
a. Within the Right-of-Way. With the consent of the County Highway Department, stand-alone way-finding or directional signs may be located within the right-of-way, but not within the vision clearance triangle (see JCC 20.50.910, VC-01 – Vision clearance standards). However, the maintenance of stand-alone way-finding or directional signs shall not be the responsibility of the County Highway Department.
b. Outside the Right-of-Way. Way-finding or directional signs shall not be located within a vision clearance triangle (see JCC 20.50.910, VC-01 – Vision clearance standards.)
5. Maximum Height. Any way-finding or directional sign shall not exceed five (5) feet in height above ground level. [Ord. 12-27-11 § 7.24.]