20.70.190 SM-01 – Storm water standards.
This storm water standards (SM) section applies to the following types of development:
A. General. All proposed subdivisions submitted to the Plan Commission for approval shall provide for the collection and management of storm and surface water drainage.
B. Cross Reference. See Jasper County storm water management ordinance, Chapter 16.10 JCC, as amended, for additional storm water requirements within the County.
C. Drainage Facility Requirements. A drainage facility shall be provided to allow drainage of water runoff from all of the upstream drainage area and from all areas within the proposed subdivision or development to a place adequate to receive such runoff.
1. Standards. Drainage facilities shall:
a. Have at-grade inlets and sub-grade mains, not utilizing drainage swales for movement of water; and
b. Be designed and constructed in accordance with the Jasper County construction and engineering standards; and
c. Be durable, easily maintained, retard sedimentation, and retard erosion; and
d. Shall not endanger the public health and safety, or cause significant damage to property; and
e. Be sufficient to accept the water runoff from the site after development and the present water runoff from all areas upstream; and
f. Be designed such that the low points of entry for residential, commercial and industrial structures are two (2) feet above and free from a 100-year flood. In addition, avenues of ingress-egress shall also be free from the 100-year flood.
2. Inspection. Be inspected during construction by a professional engineer or land surveyor registered in the State at the expense of the petitioner and certified in accordance with this code. This is in addition to the inspection provided by the County.
D. Restoration of Drainage. It is the responsibility of the petitioner to restore any stream, watercourse, swale, floodplain, or floodway that is disturbed during the period of development, to return these areas to their original or equal condition upon completion.
E. Obstruction of Drainage. The petitioner shall not block, impede the flow of, alter, construct any structure, deposit any material or object, or commit any act which will affect normal or flood flow in any ditch, stream, or watercourse without having obtained prior approval from the Jasper County Drainage Board, Indiana Department of Natural Resources, Indiana Department of Environmental Management, and/or Army Corps of Engineers, whichever entity has jurisdiction.
F. Administrative Waiver. The County Surveyor and Zoning Administrator may grant relief from subsection (C)(1)(a) of this section when the soil type, design, and construction technique clearly allows drainage swales to maintain their profile and function for a duration of at least twenty (20) years without regular maintenance. [Ord. 12-27-11 § 7.19.]