20.50.730 SI-02 – Conservation and parks and recreation sign standards.
This sign standards (SI) section applies to the following zoning districts:
The following standards shall apply:
A. Permanent Signs. Permanent wall and ground signs shall be permitted, and the cumulative square footage of all permanent signs shall not exceed sixty (60) square feet.
1. Wall Signs. Wall signs shall be permitted provided the following conditions are met.
a. Quantity. One (1) wall sign shall be permitted.
b. Sign Area. The wall sign area shall not exceed twenty-five (25) square feet.
c. Projection. The wall sign shall not project more than four (4) inches from the face of the building to which it is attached.
d. Illumination. The wall sign may be illuminated by externally mounted lights.
2. Ground Signs. Ground signs shall be permitted provided the following conditions are met.
a. Quantity. One (1) ground sign shall be permitted.
b. Sign Area. The ground sign area shall not exceed sixty (60) square feet.
c. Changeable Copy. Up to fifty percent (50%) of the permitted sign area may be changeable copy.
d. Height Above Ground. The ground sign shall not exceed six (6) feet above the ground.
e. Double-Sided. If a ground sign has two (2) identical sides, back-to-back, only one (1) side’s area counts toward the maximum cumulative square footage.
f. Location. A ground sign shall be located ten (10) feet or more from any existing or proposed right-of-way, street, curb, sidewalk, driveway, and property line.
g. Landscaping. Landscaping shall be installed around the base of a ground sign as follows:
i. Quantity. At least one (1) shrub per three (3) lineal feet of ground sign base shall be installed.
ii. Location. All required plants shall be located within five (5) feet of the ground sign base.
iii. Double-Sided Ground Signs. Any double-sided ground sign shall have landscaping on both sides.
h. Electronic Changeable Copy. If electronic changeable copy is used, it shall be integrated into the permanent ground sign and shall only include cyclical or static messages, regardless if the sign is capable of flashing messages.
i. Illumination. The ground sign may be illuminated by external source.
B. Temporary Signs.
1. Permits. Standard temporary signs shall be exempt from obtaining an improvement location permit, but shall comply with applicable standards.
2. Location. A temporary sign shall be located ten (10) feet or more from any existing right-of-way, street, curb, sidewalk, driveway, and property line.
3. Illumination. Temporary signs shall not be illuminated.
4. Standard Temporary Signs. Standard temporary signs shall be permitted provided the following conditions are met.
a. Type. A standard temporary sign shall be a yard sign.
b. Quantity. One (1) standard temporary sign shall be permitted for each street the lot fronts with an absolute maximum of two (2). No two (2) standard temporary signs shall be closer than eighty (80) feet to one another.
c. Sign Area. The sign area for a standard temporary sign shall not exceed thirty-six (36) square feet per side.
d. Height Above Ground. No part of a standard temporary sign shall be more than four (4) feet above the ground.
e. Duration. A standard temporary sign may stay in place for up to thirty (30) days from the date the sign is erected. [Ord. 3-7-16A § 1; Ord. 12-27-11 § 5.73.]