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This sign standards (SI) section applies to the following zoning districts:

The following standards shall apply:

A. Freedom of Speech. Any permanent sign or standard temporary sign permitted by the sign standards may be used for freedom of speech purposes for any length of time.

B. Permits.

1. Improvement Location Permit. An improvement location permit shall be required for all signs located, erected, constructed, reconstructed, moved, or structurally altered unless otherwise specified in this section.

2. State Permit. All signs proposed to be located along a State-owned or managed interstate or highway shall obtain the proper State sign permit or written authorization from the Indiana Department of Transportation prior to seeking an improvement location permit.

3. Easement Holder Approval. All signs proposed to be located within an easement shall obtain written approval from the easement holder for the proposed sign prior to seeking an improvement location permit. However, no sign shall be located fully or partially within a drainage easement.

C. Cross Reference.

1. Home Businesses. Signs associated with a home business shall be exempt from the sign standards section, but shall comply with sign provisions in the home business standards.

2. Lighting Standards. When illumination of signs is permitted by this sign standards section, all illumination and lighting associated with signs shall meet the glare, light trespass, and other provisions in the lighting standards.

D. Exempt. The following items as described are not considered commercial messages and shall be exempt from the sign standards and, therefore, exempt from obtaining an improvement location permit. Items that do not meet the description and that are used as part of a commercial message shall be regulated as a sign. Also, some items may be considered accessory structures and be subject to the accessory structure standards (e.g., scoreboards and directional devices).

1. Flags. A flag, pennant, or insignia of any nation, State, city, or other political unit is exempt. However, when a flag, pennant, or insignia of any nation, state, city, or other political unit is used as an integral component of a commercial message, it shall comply with the sign standards for the applicable zoning district. For example, an American Flag integrated into a corporation’s brand or logo.

2. Outdoor Scoreboard. An outdoor scoreboard used in conjunction with a legally established sport field is exempt. However, when the scoreboard is visible from a public street and contains a commercial message, it shall comply with the sign standards for the applicable zoning district.

3. Face Change. Changing the sign face shall be exempt from an improvement location permit. However, a change to the sign face shall not result in a change in the sign’s size, height, construction materials, or method of conveying the message (e.g., replacing a wood sign face with an LED sign face).

4. Addresses. Posting of a street address on a mailbox, building, or other prominent location to provide adequate property identification. However, when a street address is used as a commercial message or is disproportionately large, it shall comply with the sign standards for the applicable zoning district. For example, the address being illustrated with ladders and slides for a store selling children’s playsets.

5. Property Name. A name given to a property and posted by the owners, and that does not exceed five (5) square feet in sign area is exempt. For example “Dream Cottage” or “Dudley’s Ranch.” However, if the property is used for a commercial purpose (e.g., a home business, bed and breakfast, vacation rental, or has agricultural tourism) the property name sign shall not be exempt.

6. Public Safety Message. Posting of a public safety or private property message; provided, that no individual posting exceeds the maximum area permitted for a standard temporary sign in the applicable zoning district. Examples include “Beware of Dog,” “Private Property,” “No Trespassing,” “Gas Line,” “Weight Limit,” “Video Surveillance,” and “No Turnaround.”

7. Operational Limitations or Information. Posting of operational limitations and information provided the posting is no larger than necessary for the intended reader. Examples include hours of operation, admittance requirements, “Employees Only,” “Men,” “Women,” “Visitor Parking,” and “No deliveries.”

8. Required Postings. Messages required by a State agency, State law, Federal agency, or Federal law provided the area of the message and height of posting be the minimum required by the agency or law.

9. Indoor Commercial Messages. Commercial messages displayed inside a building that cannot be viewed legibly by pedestrians or drivers outside the building. Examples include a commercial message on a scoreboard inside a gymnasium, a wall clock inside a restaurant with a branded logo, and a large framed image of a product mounted on the wall of a retail store.

10. Minuscule Commercial Messages. Minuscule commercial messages displayed on or near a primary entrance; provided, that the area of each minuscule commercial message does not exceed thirty (30) square inches and the cumulative area of all minuscule commercial messages does not exceed 288 square inches per primary entrance. Examples include “Visa,” “Master Card,” “Diner’s Club,” “ATM,” and corporate logos.

11. Murals. A mural that conveys no commercial message. Murals with a commercial message shall be regulated as a wall sign.

E. Prohibited Signs.

1. Prohibited Types.

a. Flashing Lights. Flashing lights, including strobe lights, or electronic changeable copy that is programmed or otherwise allowed to flash shall not be permitted on a lot when visible from a public right-of-way.

b. Vehicle Signs. Vehicles with a sign area greater than fifty (50) square feet in cumulative area shall not be permitted to be parked for the primary purpose of displaying the sign. Prohibited vehicle signs shall not be construed to include vehicles with signs on them that:

i. Are lawfully parked overnight or during non-business hours on a paved surface in a discreet location, or on any unimproved surface that is enclosed;

ii. Are making deliveries, sales calls, transporting persons or property, or customary practices relating to operating the business; or

iii. Are used in conjunction with customary construction operations on a construction site.

c. Skyward Lights. Except when permitted as a special temporary sign, search lights, beacons, or any light or lights that project light in visible beams skyward, or project light horizontally or vertically in a circle or other pattern shall not be permitted regardless if the light is part of or independent of a sign.

d. Moving Signs or Signs with Movable Parts. Except when permitted as a special temporary sign, moving signs or signs with visibly moving parts, including human beings holding or acting as signs, shall not be permitted.

e. Animated Signs. Signs that gain attention through animation, video, scrolling, or hologram shall not be permitted; including any electronic changeable copy that changes more frequently than every five (5) seconds.

2. Content.

a. Signs that contain obscene content, indecent content, “fighting words,” or profane words that are not allowed on broadcast television or radio during daytime hours according to the rules of the FCC shall not be permitted.

b. Signs that emulate emergency service vehicles or common traffic signs or signals shall not be permitted (e.g., signs that use “Stop,” “Slow,” “Caution,” “Danger,” “Warning,” or similar words with similar shapes, mounting, materials, scale, color, and location resulting in driver confusion or otherwise unsafe conditions).

F. Prohibited Locations. Signs, regardless of type, shall not be permitted in any of the following locations:

1. Right-of-Way. Signs shall not be permitted in any right-of-way unless authorized by the County Commissioners, except as specified in JCC 20.50.720 through 20.50.810 , sign standards.

2. Poles. Signs shall not be permitted on any traffic control device, street sign, construction sign, or utility pole.

3. Fences. Signs shall not be permitted on any fence.

4. Trees. Signs shall not be permitted to be attached to any tree, shrub, or other natural object.

5. Benches. Signs shall not be permitted to be attached to or integrated into any bench or outdoor seating.

6. Towers. Signs shall not be permitted to be attached to or integrated into any antennas, wireless support structure, television antennas, or similar towers.

7. Roofs. Signs shall not be permitted to be attached to or be perceived to be attached to the roof of a structure. This provision includes signs integrated into the roofing material.

8. Fire Safety Obstruction. Signs shall not be permitted on a fire escape or in a manner that substantially blocks view from the right-of-way to a fire door.

9. Obstructs Circulation. Signs that obstruct or interfere with internal or external safe movement of vehicular or pedestrian traffic shall not be permitted.

10. Elevation. Artificially altering the elevation of the ground to improve the visibility of a sign shall not be permitted. Likewise, increasing the height of a wall or creating a parapet wall to improve the visibility of a sign shall not be permitted.

11. Vision Clearance. Signs shall not be permitted in areas prohibited by JCC 20.50.910 VC-01 – Vision clearance standards.

G. Sign Lighting. Any sign that is internally or externally illuminated, or a sign which utilizes electronic changeable copy, shall be subject to the light trespass and glare regulations within the lighting standards. Also, electronic changeable copy shall have a device that monitors ambient light and automatically dims the sign face proportionately as the daylight is lost (e.g., during storms or at the end of the day) and maintains that dimmed status until daylight returns.

H. Maintenance. All signs and sign components shall be kept in good repair and in safe, clean, and working condition. If landscaping is required around the base of a sign, it shall be maintained in living condition, consistent in character with the approval, and not overgrown. [Ord. 3-7-16A § 1; Ord. 12-27-11 § 5.72.]