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20.50.670 PN-01 – Pond standards.
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This pond standards (PN) section applies to the following zoning districts:

The following pond standards apply:

A. Applicability. Any manmade pond or water body not regulated as a retention or detention pond shall conform to the standards in this section, except if the pond is less than 200 square feet in surface area.

B. Permits and Approvals.

1. Improvement Location Permit. An improvement location permit is required for any manmade ponds or water bodies not regulated as a retention or detention pond, and that is greater than 10,000 square feet in surface area.

2. Drainage Board Approval. Drainage Board approval is required for any manmade ponds or water bodies not regulated as a retention or detention pond, and that is greater than 10,000 square feet in surface area.

3. Rule 5 Permit. Any project site owner engaged in construction-related activities (any manmade change of the land surface, including removing vegetative cover that exposes the underlying soil, excavating, filling, transporting, and grading) that disturbs one (1) or more acres of land may be required to obtain a “Rule 5” storm water run-off permit under 327 IAC 15-5 from the IDEM Office of Water Quality.

C. General Location. It is encouraged to locate a pond where drainage tiles or swales will not have to be cut, modified or relocated. However, in the event a pond is located such that it interferes with drainage tiles or swales, those tiles or swales shall be rerouted or repaired if damaged or affected by the construction of the pond.

D. Setbacks.

1. General. The top of bank for all ponds shall be at least forty (40) feet from all property lines, rights-of-way, septic tanks and drainfields, and drinking water wells.

2. From Agricultural Land Uses. The top of bank for all ponds shall be at least 200 feet from any adjacent agricultural land use.

E. Pond Safety.

1. Maximum Side Slope. The side slope from the pre-existing average natural elevation of the property to the water’s edge shall not exceed a 4:1 ratio (four feet of run with one foot of fall). This maximum slope shall also apply to the side slope to two (2) feet below the average water mark.

2. Safety Shelf. The depth of the pond shall not exceed two (2) feet below the average water mark anywhere within ten (10) feet of the pond edge.

F. Maximum Outflow Rate. When outflow from a pond directly or indirectly is into a regulated drain, or into a tile or swale that directly discharges to a regulated drain, then the Jasper County Drainage Board shall determine the maximum outflow rate.

G. Outlets. All outlets shall include trash racks and anti-vortex devices. All pipe joints are to be watertight and installed according to the Jasper County Drainage Board.

H. Discharge.

1. Adequate Discharge. When outflow from a pond directly or indirectly is into a regulated drain, or into a tile or swale that directly discharges to a regulated drain, the Jasper County Drainage Board shall determine if an adequate facility (e.g., tile or natural drain) exists, or will determine where and how the discharge will be directed. If an adequate facility does not exist, the Jasper County Drainage Board can deny the pond.

2. Off-Site Discharge. Water discharge shall not flow onto or across a neighboring property, unless a drainage easement is established by all property owners; or unless said drainage already existed prior to building the pond as long as the volume and velocity of the water does not increase.

I. Berms. Berms adjacent to a pond shall not exceed ten (10) feet in height or fifteen percent (15%) slope. The base of the berm, as well as any improvements (including fill or cut slopes) associated with the pond, shall be set back at least forty (40) feet from all property lines and rights-of-way. [Ord. 3-7-16A § 1; Ord. 12-27-11 § 5.67.]