20.50.530 LT-01 – Lighting standards.
This lighting standards (LT) section applies to the following zoning districts:
The following standards shall apply:
A. Cross Reference.
1. Parking Lot Lighting. Reference JCC 20.50.620 through 20.50.650 , parking standards, for parking lot lighting requirements.
2. Sign Lighting. Reference JCC 20.50.720 through 20.50.810 , sign standards, for standards for the internal and external illumination of signs.
B. Measurement Rules. Measurements of light readings shall be taken at any point along the property line of the subject property with a light meter facing the center of the property at any height from zero (0) feet to thirty-five (35) feet above the ground.
C. Types.
1. Permitted.
a. Site Lighting. Pole, wall or ground mounted fixtures shall be cutoff fixtures.
b. Facade Highlighting. Modest intensity up-lighting of structure facades and landscaping from ground-mounted fixtures shall be permitted.
2. Prohibited. Noncutoff fixtures.
3. Exemptions. Sport field and sport court lights shall strive to prevent excessive glare and light trespass, shall not exceed 100 feet in height, and shall be shut off by 10:00 p.m. Sunday through Thursday and 11:00 p.m. Friday through Saturday.
D. Glare. Light fixtures shall be shielded to prevent visual disability when driving along a street. Primarily, the lighting element (i.e., the bulb) is the portion of the light that is necessary to be shielded from normal lines of sight. The Zoning Administrator shall make the final determination if further shielding, light fixture location, or light fixture selection changes are required to prevent visual disability to drivers.
E. Light Trespass. The maximum allowable light at a property line is five (5) lux, with the following exceptions:
1. Commercial Zoning Districts. When the subject property is located within a commercial zoning district and the adjacent property is a commercial or industrial zoning district, then the allowable light at the property line is twenty (20) lux, but only along the sides of the property that are adjacent to those specified zoning districts. However, no light shall cross an adjacent commercial or industrial property and reach a property line with a noncommercial or nonindustrial district with greater than five (5) lux.
2. Industrial Zoning Districts. When the subject property is located within an industrial zoning district and the adjacent property is an industrial zoning district, then the allowable light at the property line is thirty (30) lux, but only along the sides of the property that are adjacent to that specific zoning district. However, no light shall cross an adjacent industrial property and reach a property line with a noncommercial or nonindustrial district with greater than five (5) lux. [Ord. 12-27-11 § 5.53.]