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20.50.250 EN-01 – Environmental standards.
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This environmental standards (EN) section applies to the following zoning districts:

The following standards shall apply:

A. Cross Reference. JCC 20.50.830 through 20.50.850 , storage tank standards.

B. Prohibitive Geology. A lot or portions thereof shall be unsuitable for structures when it contains any of the characteristics listed as follows. Structures may be permitted if an engineered site plan is submitted and approved by the Technical Advisory Committee. Such engineered site plan shall show and commit to adequate measures for erosion control; minimum site disturbance; soil stability for structural load; storm water management; aesthetic treatment of engineered structures; and final landscaping.

1. Slope. Pre-development or post-development slopes greater than twenty-five percent (25%).

2. Rock. Adverse rock formations.

3. Soil. Adverse soils.

4. Stability Limitations.

a. Has a low loading rate;

b. Has a low weight-bearing strength; or

c. Has any other feature which will significantly accelerate the deterioration of a structure or significantly reduce the structure’s stability.

C. Air Quality. No use shall discharge fly ash, dust, smoke, vapors, noxious toxic or corrosive matter, or other air pollutants in such concentration as to conflict with public air quality standards or be detrimental to humans, animals, vegetation, or property, except as may be allowed by open burning laws in Jasper County and the State of Indiana.

D. Soil and Water Quality.

1. Erosion Control.

a. Project Applicability. While the following standards apply to all development projects, those that involve the disturbance of one (1) acre or more of land shall be required to submit an erosion and sediment control plan and obtain a Rule 5 permit from the local soil and water conservation office.

b. Off-Site. Sedimentation in adjoining surfaces, drainage systems, and watercourses caused from the development of a lot or use shall not be permitted. If such sedimentation occurs, it shall be the responsibility of the owner of the developed lot or use to remove the sedimentation.

2. Fill. All fill materials shall be free of environmentally hazardous materials, and the Zoning Administrator may request representative samples of the fill for testing purposes.

3. Production. No use shall produce pollutants in such a quantity as to pollute soils, water bodies, adjacent properties, or conflict with public water standards.

4. Storage. No use shall accumulate within the lot or discharge beyond the lot lines any waste, debris, refuse, trash, discarded construction materials, discarded appliances, scrap metals, or rotting wood that are in conflict with applicable public health, safety, and welfare standards unless expressly permitted by the Unified Development Code.

5. Disposal. No waste materials such as garbage, rubbish, trash, construction material, gasoline, oil, flammables, soils, tars, chemicals, greases, industrial or agricultural waste, or any other material of such nature, quantity, obnoxiousness, toxicity, or temperature that it may contaminate, pollute, or harm the waters or soils shall be deposited, located, stored, or discharged on any lot unless expressly permitted by the Unified Development Code.

E. Storm Water Management. Storm water shall be subject to the Jasper County storm water management ordinance (Chapter 16.10 JCC). [Ord. 12-27-11 § 5.25.]