20.20.050 A1 district – Intent, permitted uses, and special exception uses.
A. District Intent. The A1 (conservation agricultural) district is intended to be used as follows:
Use, Type, and Intensity.
•Agricultural operations
Application of District.
•Agricultural land that is remote, has prime soils, or is less compatible for residential development
Development Standards.
•Enact development standards to maximize opportunity for common agricultural practices
Appropriate Adjacent Districts.
•CO, PR, A1, A2, A3, A4, IS, CP, I1, and HI
Plan Commission.
•Strongly discourage subdivision of land for development
Board of Zoning Appeals.
•Protect the integrity of land and agriculture operations within the Conservation Agricultural District
B. Permitted Uses.
Accessory Permitted Uses.
•Agricultural tourism
•Bio-diesel production ≤ 5,000 gallons per year with on-site consumption
•Home business (type 1)
•Home business (type 2)
•Roadside sales
•Wind turbine system, large
•Wind turbine system, small
Agricultural Permitted Uses.
•Agricultural crop production
•Agricultural crop production, organic
•Agricultural products, storage
•Confined feeding (level 1)
•Land conservation
•Plant nursery, wholesale
•Raising of farm animals
•Stable (private)
•Tree farm, wholesale
Residential Permitted Uses.
•Dwelling, single-family detached
C. Special Exception Uses.
Accessory Special Exception Uses.
•Home business (type 3)
•Home enterprise kennel
•Land application operation
•Meteorological tower
Agricultural Special Exception Uses.
•Raising of exotic animals
Commercial Special Exception Uses.
•Commercial solar energy systems
•Outdoor advertising
•Shooting range (outdoor) [Ord. 3-4-19A; Ord. 3-7-16A § 1; Ord. 9-4-12A § 1; Ord. 12-27-11 § 2.05.]